Sunday, January 27, 2013

Visions tasks 1*27

Week 2 of spring semester proved to be another busy yet accomplished one.  One of the first orders on the agenda was sending Ben an updated bio for the website. 

I spent about 4-5 hours watching and scoring films 1- 17.  I had already completed watching 16 and 17 before the memo went out that we could now watch the original choices.  Thats ok :) just puts me ahead for next week.

A large part of this week was spent organizing the main visions calendar on our google account.  Now everything is organized and viewable online in a calendar format.  I also added to the syllabus so some of the more firm dates can be in the syllabus for next year.  This helps me become more organized with the class.

I am meeting with Shannon Monday so about an hour was spent re-familiarizing myself with the budget.  Also I am adding to our "class donations budget,"  (a reminder that $25 is due to me Tuesday.) Once I get this money we will figure out a good banking option for Visions.  I am hoping to set up an off campus bank account for Visions.

My plan is to have our ARAMARK catering locked in by next Tuesday so I have had brief discussions with Kristin at ARAMARK in hopes that we will get more donated so that we can have more money for our guests!   

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